var core = {}; // Main app object in background.js var app = {}; // Shared app object with pages core._init = function(){ // Called from core.Settings.load() core.Bookmarks.initRoot(function(){ core.GridNodes.sync(app.settings.grid.node, app.settings.grid.root); // Sync bookmarks with stored data core.ContextMenus.initMenu(); core.Bookmarks.initListener(); }) } core.Settings = {}; // Settings helper object core.Settings.load = function(){ // Load settings and call core.init{ background: '#3c4048', grid: { margin: 10, rows: 4, columns: 5, cells: { margin: 4, ratioX: 4, ratioY: 3, borderColor: '#333333', borderColorHover: '#a9a9a9', borderRadius: 4, title: true, titleHeight: 18, titleFontSize: 11, titleFont: 'Arial, Verdana, Sans-serif', titleColor: '#ffffff', titleColorHover: '#33ccff', backPanel: true, backIcon: 'img/back.png', folderIcon: 'img/folder.png', loadingIcon: 'img/throbber.gif' }, root: 'Quick Dial', node: {} } }).then(function(obj){ app.settings = obj; core._init(); browser.runtime.sendMessage({ command: 'appReady'}).then(function(){}, function(){}); },function(){}); } = function(){ // Save settings; } core.Settings.load(); // Need to be loaded first and call core.init when ready core.ContextMenus = {} // ContextMenu helper Object core.ContextMenus.initMenu = function(){ // (Called from core._init) Init context menu in all pages browser.contextMenus.create({ // Create Context menu id: 'AddToQuickDial', title: browser.i18n.getMessage("menuAddToQuickDial"), contexts: ["all"], documentUrlPatterns: [ 'http://*/*', 'https://*/*', 'file://*/*' ] }, function(){}); browser.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener(function(info, tab) { // Context menu click event if (info.menuItemId == "AddToQuickDial") core.GridNodes.createBookmark(app.settings.grid.node, info.pageUrl, tab.title, function(){}); }); } core.Bookmarks = {} // Bookmarks helper object core.Bookmarks.initListener = function(){ // (Called from core._init) (/!\ Need filter to root tree only) Init listener of bookmarks function notifyBookmarksChanged(){ core.GridNodes.sync(app.settings.grid.node, app.settings.grid.root); } browser.bookmarks.onCreated.addListener(notifyBookmarksChanged); browser.bookmarks.onChanged.addListener(notifyBookmarksChanged); browser.bookmarks.onMoved.addListener(notifyBookmarksChanged); browser.bookmarks.onRemoved.addListener(notifyBookmarksChanged); } core.Bookmarks.initRoot = function(callback){ // (Called from core._init) Create the root folder if not exist browser.bookmarks.getSubTree('menu________').then(function(bookmarkItems){ getChildItem = function(bookmarkItem, path, callback){ if(path.length == 0){ if(callback) callback(bookmarkItem); return; } for(var child of bookmarkItem.children){ if((path + '/').startsWith(child.title + '/')){ getChildItem(child, path.substr(child.title.length + 1), callback); return; } } browser.bookmarks.create({ parentId:, title: path.substr(0, (path + '/').indexOf('/')) }).then(callback); } getChildItem(bookmarkItems[0], app.settings.grid.root, callback); }, function(){ console.log('Can not load bookmarks'); if(callback) callback(null); }); } core.Bookmarks.load = function(rootPath, callback){ // callback(bookmarkItem) Return BookmarkItem from rootPath browser.bookmarks.getSubTree('menu________').then(function(bookmarkItems){ if(callback) callback(core.Bookmarks.getItem(bookmarkItems[0], rootPath + '/')) }, function(){ console.log('Can not load bookmarks'); if(callback) callback(null); }); } core.Bookmarks.getItem = function(bookmarkItem, path){ // Return BookmarkItem from path from bookmarkItem as root if(path.length == 0) return bookmarkItem; for(var child of bookmarkItem.children) if(path.startsWith(child.title + '/')) return core.Bookmarks.getItem(child, path.substr(child.title.length + 1)); return null; } core.SiteInfos = {} // Siteinfos helper object core.SiteInfos.loadInfos = function(url, args, callback){ // args: { icon: false; screenshot: false }, callback( { url, title, (/!\ Not handled now)icon, screenshot } || error: {} ) function pageLoaded(){ var docTitle = iframe.contentWindow.document.title; var docIcon = null; var docScreenshot = null; if(args && args.icon){ // } if(args && args.screenshot){ var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); = previewWidth.toString() + 'px'; = previewHeight.toString() + 'px'; canvas.width = previewWidth / 2; canvas.height = previewHeight / 2; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, previewWidth, previewHeight);; ctx.scale(0.5, 0.5); ctx.drawWindow(iframe.contentWindow, 0, 0, previewWidth, previewHeight, 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'); ctx.restore(); docScreenshot = canvas.toDataURL(); } document.body.removeChild(iframe); if(callback) callback({ url: url, title: docTitle, icon: docIcon, screenshot:docScreenshot }); } var previewWidth = 1200; // Need to be linked to settings var previewHeight = 710; // Need to be linked to settings var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.width = previewWidth iframe.height = previewHeight = 'absolute'; = 'hidden'; var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlHttp.timeout = 2000'GET', url, true); xmlHttp.onload = function(){ document.body.appendChild(iframe); iframe.contentWindow.document.write(xmlHttp.responseText.replace('
', '