diff --git a/src/dial b/src/dial
index 6075aef..7181c96 100644
--- a/src/dial
+++ b/src/dial
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/js/background.js b/src/js/background.js
index f809d97..ecd6126 100644
--- a/src/js/background.js
+++ b/src/js/background.js
@@ -2,74 +2,155 @@ var core = {}; // Main app object in background.js
var app = {}; // Shared app object with pages
core.init = function(){ // Init module
- core.Settings.load(function(){
- core.GridNodes.sync(app.settings.grid.node, app.settings.grid.root, function(){ // Sync bookmarks with stored data
- core.ContextMenus.initMenu();
+ core.Settings.init(function(){
+ core.GridNodes.sync(core.node, core.settings.grid.root, function(){
+ core.Messages.init();
+ browser.runtime.sendMessage({ cmd: 'SettingsChanged' });
+ browser.runtime.sendMessage({ cmd: 'GridNodesLoaded' });
+core.Messages = {}; // Messages helper object
+core.Messages.init = function(){ // Init Messages Listeners
+ browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse){
+ switch(request.cmd){
+ case 'GetSettings':
+ sendResponse(core.settings);
+ break;
+ case 'SetSettings':
+ core.settings = request.settings;
+ core.Settings.save();
+ sendResponse(core.settings);
+ browser.runtime.sendMessage( { cmd: 'SettingsChanged' } );
+ browser.runtime.sendMessage( { cmd: 'GridNodesLoaded' } );
+ break;
+ case 'GetNode':
+ sendResponse(core.GridNodes.getNode(core.node, request.path.substr(1)));
+ break;
+ case 'SetNodeIndex':
+ core.GridNodes.setNodeIndex(core.GridNodes.getNode(core.node, request.path.substr(1)), request.index, request.newIndex, function(){
+ browser.runtime.sendMessage( { cmd: 'GridNodesLoaded' } );
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'CreateBookmark':
+ core.GridNodes.createBookmark(core.GridNodes.getNode(core.node, request.path.substr(1)), request.url, request.title, function(){
+ browser.runtime.sendMessage( { cmd: 'GridNodesLoaded' } );
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'CreateFolder':
+ core.GridNodes.createFolder(core.GridNodes.getNode(core.node, request.path.substr(1)), request.name, function(){
+ browser.runtime.sendMessage( { cmd: 'GridNodesLoaded' } );
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'DeleteNode':
+ core.GridNodes.deleteNode(core.GridNodes.getNode(core.node, request.path.substr(1)), request.id, function(){
+ browser.runtime.sendMessage( { cmd: 'GridNodesLoaded' } );
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'RefreshNode':
+ core.GridNodes.refreshNode(core.GridNodes.getChildNode(core.GridNodes.getNode(core.node, request.path.substr(1)), request.id), function(){
+ browser.runtime.sendMessage( { cmd: 'GridNodesLoaded' } );
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'CapturePage':
+ core.GridNodes.capturePage(core.GridNodes.getChildNode(core.GridNodes.getNode(core.node, request.path.substr(1)), request.id), function(){
+ browser.runtime.sendMessage( { cmd: 'GridNodesLoaded' } );
+ });
+ break;
+ }
+ });
core.Settings = {}; // Settings helper object
-core.Settings.load = function(callback){ // Load settings
- browser.storage.local.get({
- version: 2,
- backgroundColor: '#3c4048',
- backgroundImage: null,
- grid: {
- margin: 10,
- rows: 4,
- columns: 5,
- backNode: true,
- backIcon: 'url(/img/back.png)',
- folderIcon: 'url(/img/folder.png)',
- loadingIcon: 'url(/img/throbber.gif)',
- cells: {
- margin: 4,
- marginHover: 4,
- ratioX: 4,
- ratioY: 3,
- backgroundColor: null,
- backgroundColorHover: null,
- borderColor: '#333333',
- borderColorHover: '#a9a9a9',
- borderRadius: 4,
- borderRadiusHover: 4,
- title: true,
- titleHeight: 16,
- titleFontSize: 10,
- titleFont: 'Arial, Verdana, Sans-serif',
- titleColor: '#ffffff',
- titleColorHover: '#33ccff',
- titleBackgroundColor: null,
- titleBackgroundColorHover: null
- },
- root: 'Quick Dial',
- node: { children: [] }
+core.Settings.init = function(callback){ // Load settings and nodes
+ browser.storage.local.get().then(function(data){
+ if(Object.keys(data).length == 0) {
+ data = {
+ version: 3,
+ settings: {
+ backgroundColor: '#3c4048',
+ backgroundImage: null,
+ grid: {
+ margin: 10,
+ rows: 4,
+ columns: 5,
+ backNode: true,
+ backIcon: 'url(/img/back.png)',
+ folderIcon: 'url(/img/folder.png)',
+ loadingIcon: 'url(/img/throbber.gif)',
+ cells: {
+ margin: 4,
+ marginHover: 4,
+ backgroundColor: null,
+ backgroundColorHover: null,
+ borderColor: '#333333',
+ borderColorHover: '#a9a9a9',
+ borderRadius: 4,
+ borderRadiusHover: 4,
+ title: true,
+ titleHeight: 16,
+ titleFontSize: 10,
+ titleFont: 'Arial, Verdana, Sans-serif',
+ titleColor: '#ffffff',
+ titleColorHover: '#33ccff',
+ titleBackgroundColor: null,
+ titleBackgroundColorHover: null,
+ previewWidth: 1200,
+ previewHeight: 710
+ },
+ root: 'Quick Dial',
+ }
+ },
+ node: { children: [] }
+ }
- }).then(function(obj){
- if(obj.grid.cells.backIcon){ // Upgrade Data Version
- obj.version = 2;
- obj.grid.backNode = true;
- obj.grid.backIcon = 'url(/img/back.png)';
- obj.grid.folderIcon = 'url(/img/folder.png)';
- obj.grid.loadingIcon = 'url(/img/throbber.gif)';
- obj.grid.cells.backgroundColor = null;
- obj.grid.cells.backgroundColorHover = null;
- obj.grid.cells.titleBackgroundColor = null;
- obj.grid.cells.titleBackgroundColorHover = null;
- delete obj.grid.cells.backIcon;
- delete obj.grid.cells.folderIcon;
- delete obj.grid.cells.loadingIcon;
- delete obj.grid.cells.backPanel;
+ if(!data.version){ // Upgrade Data Version
+ data.version = 2;
+ data.grid.backNode = true;
+ data.grid.backIcon = 'url(/img/back.png)';
+ data.grid.folderIcon = 'url(/img/folder.png)';
+ data.grid.loadingIcon = 'url(/img/throbber.gif)';
+ data.grid.cells.backgroundColor = null;
+ data.grid.cells.backgroundColorHover = null;
+ data.grid.cells.titleBackgroundColor = null;
+ data.grid.cells.titleBackgroundColorHover = null;
+ delete data.grid.cells.backIcon;
+ delete data.grid.cells.folderIcon;
+ delete data.grid.cells.loadingIcon;
+ delete data.grid.cells.backPanel;
- app.settings = obj;
+ if(data.version == 2){ // Upgrade Data Version
+ var oldData = data;
+ data = {};
+ data.version = 3;
+ data.settings = oldData;
+ data.node = oldData.grid.node;
+ delete data.settings.version;
+ delete data.settings.grid.node;
+ core.settings = data.settings;
+ core.node = data.node;
+ browser.storage.local.clear().then(function(){
+ core.Settings.save();
+ });
+ }
+ core.settings = data.settings;
+ core.node = data.node;
if(callback) callback();
- });
-core.Settings.save = function(){ // Save settings
- browser.storage.local.set(app.settings);
- browser.runtime.sendMessage({ command: 'SettingsChanged' });
+ }, function(){ console.log('Error loading data'); });
+core.Settings.update = function(settings, callback){ // Save new settings
+ core.settings = settings;
+ core.Settings.save(callback);
+core.Settings.save = function(callback){ // Save settings
+ var data = { version: 3 };
+ data.settings = core.settings;
+ data.node = core.node;
+ browser.storage.local.set(data).then(function(){
+ if(callback) callback();
+ }, function(){ console.log('Error saving settings'); });
@@ -83,19 +164,26 @@ core.ContextMenus.initMenu = function(){ // (Called from core.init) Init context
documentUrlPatterns: [ 'http://*/*', 'https://*/*', 'file://*/*' ]
}, function(){});
browser.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener(function(info, tab) { // Context menu click event
- if (info.menuItemId == "AddToQuickDial")
- core.GridNodes.createBookmark(app.settings.grid.node, info.pageUrl, tab.title, function(){});
+ //if (info.menuItemId == "AddToQuickDial")
+ //core.GridNodes.createBookmark(app.settings.grid.node, info.pageUrl, tab.title, function(){});
core.Bookmarks = {} // Bookmarks helper object
-core.Bookmarks._onCreated = function(){ core.GridNodes.sync(app.settings.grid.node, app.settings.grid.root); }
-core.Bookmarks._onChanged = function(){ core.GridNodes.sync(app.settings.grid.node, app.settings.grid.root); }
-core.Bookmarks._onMoved = function(){ core.GridNodes.sync(app.settings.grid.node, app.settings.grid.root); }
-core.Bookmarks._onRemoved = function(){ core.GridNodes.sync(app.settings.grid.node, app.settings.grid.root); }
+core.Bookmarks._onCreated = function(){ }
+core.Bookmarks._onChanged = function(){ }
+core.Bookmarks._onMoved = function(){ }
+core.Bookmarks._onRemoved = function(){ }
+core.Bookmarks._onCreated = function(){ core.GridNodes.sync(core.settings.grid.node, core.settings.grid.root); }
+core.Bookmarks._onChanged = function(){ core.GridNodes.sync(core.settings.grid.node, core.settings.grid.root); }
+core.Bookmarks._onMoved = function(){ core.GridNodes.sync(core.settings.grid.node, core.settings.grid.root); }
+core.Bookmarks._onRemoved = function(){ core.GridNodes.sync(core.settings.grid.node, core.settings.grid.root); }
+// ---------
core.Bookmarks.initListener = function(){ // (Called from core.init) (/!\ Need filter to root tree only) Init listener of bookmarks
- //browser.bookmarks.onChanged.addListener(core.Bookmarks._onChanged);
+ browser.bookmarks.onChanged.addListener(core.Bookmarks._onChanged);
@@ -122,29 +210,6 @@ core.Bookmarks.load = function(rootPath, callback){ // Load root bookmark and cr
core.SiteInfos = {} // Siteinfos helper object
-core.SiteInfos.fromTab = function(callback){ // Retrieve infos from current tab. callback( { url, title, icon, screenshot } || error: callback() )
- browser.tabs.getCurrent().then(function(tab){
- function whaitLoaded(){
- browser.tabs.get(tab.id).then(function(tab){
- if(tab.status == 'loading') setTimeout(whaitLoaded, 300);
- else {
- browser.tabs.update(tab.id, {active: true}).then(function(){
- setTimeout(function(){
- browser.tabs.captureVisibleTab().then(function(img){
- browser.tabs.remove(tab.id);
- if(callback) callback( { url: tab.url, title: tab.title, icon: tab.favIconUrl, screenshot: img } );
- }, function(){
- browser.tabs.remove(tab.id);
- if(callback) callback();
- });
- }, 300);
- }, function(){ if(callback) callback(); });
- }
- }, function(){ if(callback) callback(); });
- }
- setTimeout(whaitLoaded, 300);
- }, function(){ if(callback) callback(); });
core.SiteInfos.fromNewTab = function(url, callback){ // Retrieve infos from a new tab. callback( { url, title, icon, screenshot } || error: callback() )
browser.tabs.create({url: url, active: false}).then(function(tab){
browser.tabs.update(tab.id, {muted: true}).then();
@@ -185,12 +250,12 @@ core.SiteInfos.fromNewTab = function(url, callback){ // Retrieve infos from a n
img = canvas.toDataURL();
if(callback) callback( { url: tab.url, title: tab.title, icon: tab.favIconUrl, screenshot: img } );
- }, 1);
+ }, 100);
}, function(){
if(callback) callback();
- }, 300);
+ }, 500);
}, function(){ if(callback) callback(); });
}, function(){ if(callback) callback(); });
@@ -248,25 +313,12 @@ core.SiteInfos.fromFrame = function(url, callback){ // Retrieve infos from an if
xmlHttp.onerror = function(){ if(callback) callback(); }
xmlHttp.ontimeout = function(){ if(callback) callback(); }
-core.SiteInfos.fromWS = function(url, callback){ // Retrieve infos from a Web Service. callback( { url, title, (/!\ Not handled now)icon, screenshot } || error: callback() )
+ }
+ core.SiteInfos.fromWS = function(url, callback){ // Retrieve infos from a Web Service. callback( { url, title, (/!\ Not handled now)icon, screenshot } || error: callback() )
console.log('Not implemented');
return core.SiteInfos.fromFrame(url, callback);
-core.GridNodes.GridNode = function(){
- this.id = null; // 0
- //this.lastUpdate = new Date(0);
- this.type = core.GridNodes.GridNodeType.empty;
- //this.path = '';
- this.title = null; // ''
- this.icon = null; // ''
- this.image = null; // ''
- this.url = null; // ''
- this.children = null; // []
core.GridNodes = {}; // GridNodes helper object
core.GridNodes.GridNodeType = { // GridNodeType
back: -1,
@@ -333,9 +385,8 @@ core.GridNodes.sync = function(gridNode, rootPath, callback){ // Sync GridNodes
if(callback) callback();
-core.GridNodes.save = function(){ // Save GridNode
- browser.storage.local.set(app.settings);
- browser.runtime.sendMessage({ command: 'GridNodesSaved'});
+core.GridNodes.save = function(callback){ // Save GridNodes
+ core.Settings.save(callback);
core.GridNodes.getNode = function(gridNode, path){ // Return GridNode from RootGridNode path
if(path.length == 0 || path == '/') return gridNode;
@@ -348,9 +399,8 @@ core.GridNodes.getChildNode = function(gridNode, id){ // Return child node by ID
for(var child of gridNode.children) if(child.id == id) return child;
return null;
-core.GridNodes.saveNode = function(gridNode){ // Save GridNode
- browser.storage.local.set(app.settings);
- browser.runtime.sendMessage({ command: 'GridNodeSaved', gridNode: gridNode });
+core.GridNodes.saveNode = function(gridNode, callback){ // Save GridNode
+ core.Settings.save(callback);
core.GridNodes.setNodeIndex = function(gridNode, index, newIndex, callback){ // Set Child GridNodeIndex. callback(gridNode, node1, node2)
@@ -366,15 +416,16 @@ core.GridNodes.setNodeIndex = function(gridNode, index, newIndex, callback){ //
if(callback) callback(gridNode, node1, node2);
-core.GridNodes.createFolder = function(gridNode, name, callback){ // Create a new folder in a GridNode. callback(gridNode, newGridNode)
+core.GridNodes.createBookmark = function(gridNode, url, title, callback){ // Create a new Bookmark in a GridNode. callback(gridNode, newGridNode)
parentId: gridNode.id,
- title: name
+ title: title || url,
+ url: url
if(!gridNode) return; // ??? Why this method are called a second time with gridNode = null ???
- var newGridNode = { id: bookmarkItem.id, type: core.GridNodes.GridNodeType.folder, title: name, children: [] };
+ var newGridNode = { id: bookmarkItem.id, type: core.GridNodes.GridNodeType.bookmark, url: url, title };
var EmptyCellFound = false;
for(var i=0; i 0){
if(dial.page < dial.maxpage){
dial.page += 1;
- dial.populateGrid(dial.Grid, app.settings.grid, dial.Node);
+ dial.populateGrid();
} else if(ev.deltaY < 0){
if(dial.page > 1){
dial.page -= 1;
- dial.populateGrid(dial.Grid, app.settings.grid, dial.Node);
+ dial.populateGrid();
-dial.initUI = function(){
- dial.Head = document.getElementById('head');
- dial.Title = document.getElementById('title');
- dial.Body = document.getElementById('body');
- dial.Body.setAttribute('contextmenu', 'page');
- dial.Body.setAttribute('contextmenu', 'page');
+utils.getPath = function(){
+ var path = new URL(window.location).searchParams.get('path');
+ if(path) return path + '/';
+ else return '/';
+app.init = function(){
+ dial.path = utils.getPath();
+ app.Messages.getSettings(app.Settings._changed);
+ app.Messages.getNode(dial.path, app.GridNodes._changed);
+ app.Messages.init();
+app.Messages = {};
+app.Messages.init = function(){
+ browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse){
+ switch(request.cmd){
+ case 'SettingsChanged':
+ app.Messages.getSettings(app.Settings._changed);
+ break;
+ case 'GridNodesLoaded':
+ app.Messages.getNode(dial.path, app.GridNodes._changed);
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+app.Messages.getSettings = function(callback){
+ browser.runtime.sendMessage({ cmd: 'GetSettings' }).then(callback);
+app.Messages.getNode = function(path, callback){
+ browser.runtime.sendMessage({ cmd: 'GetNode', path: path }).then(callback);
+app.Messages.setNodeIndex = function(index, newIndex, callback){
+ browser.runtime.sendMessage({ cmd: 'SetNodeIndex', path: dial.path, index: index, newIndex: newIndex }).then(callback);
+app.Messages.createBookmark = function(url, callback){
+ browser.runtime.sendMessage({ cmd: 'CreateBookmark', path: dial.path, url: url, title: url }).then(callback);
+app.Messages.createFolder = function(name, callback){
+ browser.runtime.sendMessage({ cmd: 'CreateFolder', path: dial.path, name: name }).then(callback);
+app.Messages.deleteNode = function(id, callback){
+ browser.runtime.sendMessage({ cmd: 'DeleteNode', path: dial.path, id: id }).then(callback);
+app.Messages.refreshNode = function(id, callback){
+ browser.runtime.sendMessage({ cmd: 'RefreshNode', path: dial.path, id: id }).then(callback);
+app.Messages.capturePage = function(id, callback){
+ browser.runtime.sendMessage({ cmd: 'CapturePage', path: dial.path, id: id }).then(callback);
+app.Settings = {};
+app.Settings._changed = function(settings){
+ app.settings = settings;
+ dial.initGrid();
+app.GridNodes = {};
+app.GridNodes.GridNodeType = { // GridNodeType
+ back: -1,
+ empty: 0,
+ folder: 1,
+ bookmark: 2
+app.GridNodes._changed = function(node){
+ app.node = node;
+ dial.Title.innerText = app.node.title;
+ dial.populateGrid();
+dial.init = function(){
- dial.Grid = dial.initGrid('Grid', app.settings.grid, dial.Body);
- var url = new URL(window.location);
- dial.path = url.searchParams.get('path');
- if(url.searchParams.get('path')) {
- dial.Node = app.getNode(app.settings.grid.node, dial.path + '/');
- } else {
- dial.Node = app.getNode(app.settings.grid.node, '/');
- }
- dial.Title.innerText = dial.Node.title;
- dial.populateGrid(dial.Grid, app.settings.grid, dial.Node);
-dial.initStyles = function(){
- dial.Style = document.createElement('style'), StyleSheet;
- document.head.appendChild(dial.Style);
- dial.styles.html = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('html { height: 100%; }')].style;
- dial.styles.body = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('body { user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; display: flex; width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: ' + app.settings.backgroundColor + '; background-image: ' + app.settings.backgroundImage + '; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100% 100%; }')].style;
- dial.styles.grid = {};
- dial.styles.grid.grid = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid { border-collapse: collapse; margin: auto; }')].style;
- dial.styles.grid.cell = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid td { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; }')].style;
- dial.styles.grid.link = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid td>a { display: block; outline: none; overflow: hidden; text-decoration: none; margin: ' + app.settings.grid.cells.margin + 'px; border: 1px solid ' + app.settings.grid.cells.borderColor + '; border-radius: ' + app.settings.grid.cells.borderRadius + 'px; }')].style;
- //dial.styles.grid.linkHover = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid td>a:hover { border-color: ' + app.settings.grid.cells.borderColorHover + '; border-radius: ' + app.settings.grid.cells.borderRadiusHover + 'px; }')].style;
- dial.styles.grid.linkHover = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid td>a:hover { border-color: ' + app.settings.grid.cells.borderColorHover + '; margin: ' + app.settings.grid.cells.marginHover + 'px; border-radius: ' + app.settings.grid.cells.borderRadiusHover + 'px; }')].style;
- dial.styles.grid.linkPanel = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid td>a>div:first-child { background-repeat: no-repeat; }')].style;
- if(app.settings.grid.cells.backgroundColor) dial.styles.grid.linkPanel.backgroundColor = app.settings.grid.cells.backgroundColor;
- dial.styles.grid.linkPanelHover = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid td>a:hover>div:first-child { }')].style;
- if(app.settings.grid.cells.backgroundColorHover) dial.styles.grid.linkPanelHover.backgroundColor = app.settings.grid.cells.backgroundColorHover;
- dial.styles.grid.linkTitle = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid td>a>div:last-child { height: ' + app.settings.grid.cells.titleHeight + 'px; font-size: ' + app.settings.grid.cells.titleFontSize + 'pt; font-family: ' + app.settings.grid.cells.titleFont + 'pt; text-align: center; overflow: hidden; color: ' + app.settings.grid.cells.titleColor + '; border-top: 1px solid ' + app.settings.grid.cells.borderColor + '; }')].style;
- if(app.settings.grid.cells.titleBackgroundColor) dial.styles.grid.linkTitle.backgroundColor = app.settings.grid.cells.titleBackgroundColor;
- dial.styles.grid.linkTitleHover = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid td>a:hover>div:last-child { color: ' + app.settings.grid.cells.titleColorHover + '; border-top-color: ' + app.settings.grid.cells.borderColorHover + ' }')].style;
- if(app.settings.grid.cells.titleBackgroundColorHover) dial.styles.grid.linkTitleHover.backgroundColor = app.settings.grid.cells.titleBackgroundColorHover;
- dial.styles.grid.linkEmpty = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid td>a.Empty { display: none; }')].style;
- dial.styles.grid.linkBack = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid td>a.Back :first-child { background-image: ' + app.settings.grid.backIcon + '; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; }')].style;
- dial.styles.grid.linkFolder = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid td>a.Folder :first-child { background-image: ' + app.settings.grid.folderIcon + '; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100% 100%; }')].style;
- dial.styles.grid.linkBookmark = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid td>a.Bookmark :first-child { background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100% 100%; }')].style;
- dial.styles.grid.linkBookmarkLoading = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid td>a.BookmarkLoading :first-child { background-image: url("' + app.settings.grid.cells.loadingIcon + '"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; }')].style;
+ dial.Title = document.createElement('title');
+ document.head.appendChild(dial.Title);
dial.initMenus = function(){
+ document.body.setAttribute('contextmenu', 'page');
dial.PageMenu = document.createElement('menu');
dial.PageMenu.type = 'context';
dial.PageMenu.id = 'page'
@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ dial.initMenus = function(){
- dial.Body.appendChild(dial.PageMenu);
+ document.body.appendChild(dial.PageMenu);
dial.ItemMenu = document.createElement('menu');
dial.ItemMenu.type = 'context';
@@ -155,11 +156,15 @@ dial.initMenus = function(){
dial.ItemMenuRefresh = document.createElement('menuitem');
dial.ItemMenuRefresh.label = browser.i18n.getMessage("menuRefreshItem");
- dial.ItemMenuRefresh.onclick = dial.refreshNode;
+ dial.ItemMenuRefresh.onclick = function(){
+ dial.refreshNode(dial._selectedItem);
+ };
dial.ItemMenuCapture = document.createElement('menuitem');
dial.ItemMenuCapture.label = browser.i18n.getMessage("menuCapturePage");
- dial.ItemMenuCapture.onclick = dial.capturePage;
+ dial.ItemMenuCapture.onclick = function(){
+ dial.capturePage(dial._selectedItem);
+ };
dial.ItemMenuDelete = document.createElement('menuitem');
dial.ItemMenuDelete.label = browser.i18n.getMessage("menuDeleteItem");
@@ -179,31 +184,59 @@ dial.initMenus = function(){
- dial.Body.appendChild(dial.ItemMenu);
+ document.body.appendChild(dial.ItemMenu);
-dial.initGrid = function(name, settings, container){
+dial.initStyles = function(){
+ if(dial.Style) document.head.removeChild(dial.Style);
+ dial.Style = document.createElement('style'), StyleSheet;
+ document.head.appendChild(dial.Style);
+ dial.styles = {};
+ dial.styles.html = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('html { height: 100%; }')].style;
+ dial.styles.body = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('body { user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; display: flex; width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: ' + app.settings.backgroundColor + '; background-image: ' + app.settings.backgroundImage + '; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100% 100%; }')].style;
+ dial.styles.grid = {};
+ dial.styles.grid.grid = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid { border-collapse: collapse; margin: auto; }')].style;
+ dial.styles.grid.cell = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid td { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; }')].style;
+ dial.styles.grid.link = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid td>a { display: block; outline: none; overflow: hidden; text-decoration: none; margin: ' + app.settings.grid.cells.margin + 'px; border: 1px solid ' + app.settings.grid.cells.borderColor + '; border-radius: ' + app.settings.grid.cells.borderRadius + 'px; }')].style;
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+ dial.styles.grid.linkHover = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid td>a:hover { border-color: ' + app.settings.grid.cells.borderColorHover + '; margin: ' + app.settings.grid.cells.marginHover + 'px; border-radius: ' + app.settings.grid.cells.borderRadiusHover + 'px; }')].style;
+ dial.styles.grid.linkPanel = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid td>a>div:first-child { background-repeat: no-repeat; }')].style;
+ if(app.settings.grid.cells.backgroundColor) dial.styles.grid.linkPanel.backgroundColor = app.settings.grid.cells.backgroundColor;
+ dial.styles.grid.linkPanelHover = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid td>a:hover>div:first-child { }')].style;
+ if(app.settings.grid.cells.backgroundColorHover) dial.styles.grid.linkPanelHover.backgroundColor = app.settings.grid.cells.backgroundColorHover;
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+ if(app.settings.grid.cells.titleBackgroundColor) dial.styles.grid.linkTitle.backgroundColor = app.settings.grid.cells.titleBackgroundColor;
+ dial.styles.grid.linkTitleHover = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid td>a:hover>div:last-child { color: ' + app.settings.grid.cells.titleColorHover + '; border-top-color: ' + app.settings.grid.cells.borderColorHover + ' }')].style;
+ if(app.settings.grid.cells.titleBackgroundColorHover) dial.styles.grid.linkTitleHover.backgroundColor = app.settings.grid.cells.titleBackgroundColorHover;
+ dial.styles.grid.linkEmpty = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid td>a.Empty { display: none; }')].style;
+ dial.styles.grid.linkBack = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid td>a.Back :first-child { background-image: ' + app.settings.grid.backIcon + '; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; }')].style;
+ dial.styles.grid.linkFolder = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid td>a.Folder :first-child { background-image: ' + app.settings.grid.folderIcon + '; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100% 100%; }')].style;
+ dial.styles.grid.linkBookmark = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid td>a.Bookmark :first-child { background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100% 100%; }')].style;
+ dial.styles.grid.linkBookmarkLoading = dial.Style.sheet.cssRules[dial.Style.sheet.insertRule('.Grid td>a.BookmarkLoading :first-child { background-image: url("' + app.settings.grid.cells.loadingIcon + '"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; }')].style;
+dial.initGrid = function(){
+ if(dial.Grid) document.body.removeChild(dial.Grid);
+ dial.Grid = document.createElement('table');
var grid = document.createElement('table');
- grid.className = name;
- grid.getLink = function(index){
- var num_columns = grid.rows[0].cells.length;
- return grid.rows[Math.floor(index/num_columns)].cells[index % num_columns].childNodes[0];
+ dial.Grid.className = 'Grid';
+ dial.Grid.getLink = function(index){
+ var num_columns = dial.Grid.rows[0].cells.length;
+ return dial.Grid.rows[Math.floor(index/num_columns)].cells[index % num_columns].childNodes[0];
- for(var i=0; i dial.maxpage) dial.page = dial.maxpage;
if(dial.page > 1) iBase = (dial.page -1) * maxCells;
- for(var i = iBase; i