# g810-led
Linux LED controller for Logitech Led Keyboards.
##Install and use :
- look at the wiki : https://github.com/MatMoul/g810-led/wiki
##Compatible keyboards :
**G410 Atlas Spectrum :**
**G610 Orion (Brown and Red) :**
**G810 Orion Spectrum :**
**G910 Orion (Spark and Spectrum) :**
##Samples :
`g810-led -p /etc/g810/profile # Set a profile`
`g810-led -k logo ff0000 # Set color of a key`
`g810-led -a 00ff00 # Set color of all keys`
`g810-led -g fkeys ff00ff # Set color of a group of keys`
`g810-led -s color # Set keyboard power on effect`
`g810-led -fx-color 00ff00 # Set fixed color effect`
`g810-led -fx-breathing 00ff00 0a # Set breathing effect`
`g810-led -fx-cycle 0a # Set color cycle effect`
`g810-led -fx-hwave 0a # Set horizontal wave effect`
`g810-led -fx-vwave 0a # Set vertical wave effect`
`g810-led -fx-cwave 0a # Set center wave effect`
##Samples with no commit :
`g810-led -an 000000 # Set color of all key with no action`
`g810-led -gn modifiers ff0000 # Set color of a group with no action`
`g810-led -kn w ff0000 # Set color of a key with no action`
`g810-led -kn a ff0000 # Set color of a key with no action`
`g810-led -kn s ff0000 # Set color of a key with no action`
`g810-led -kn d ff0000 # Set color of a key with no action`
`g810-led -c # Commit all changes`
##Samples for g610 :
`g610-led -a 60 # Set intensity of all keys`
`g610-led -k logo ff # Set intensity of a key`
`g610-led -g fkeys aa # Set intensity of a group of keys`